New Year. New Life. New Mercies.

Do you remember when a 9.0 earthquake rocked Japan and caused a nuclear disaster? Just after another claimed lives in downtown Christchurch? Or when a historic blizzard blanketed the American Midwest? When protests forced Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation? Do you remember where you were when you heard Bin Laden had been killed?

How much has happened in your life since you first read those headlines? How long do the seven years that have passed since these events feel now?

Spring 2011. That's when the Syrian Civil War started.

It hasn't ended yet, so many of the people you see in the photos below have only ever known a world of war. If the conflict ended tomorrow, they'd only know a world to rebuild.

As we enter a new year, we are grateful for the lives who've survived the war, taken first breaths despite it, and for the mercies that meet us every morning. Consider joining us in serving Syria seven years into civil war: medical professionals can apply to join our teams here, or you can make a tax-deductible contribution here.

Thank you for your support and solidarity. We cannot do the work without you.

Because Jesus,
The FAI Relief Family