KURDISTAN // FAI, Bob Goff, and The Refuge Initiative

Love Does Hospital in Kurdistan Bob Goff

We are so excited about this new hospital launched by The Refuge Initiative (our friends featured in Better Friends Than Mountains, Vol. I) in partnership with Love Does, led by Bob Goff. We've been able to outfit them with medicine and supplies as they prepare to open their doors.

"Alliance" is in our name because it's knit into who we are. No one leader, team, or organization is going to solve all the problems facing the Middle East. What we can do is lock arms and work together to achieve our common end. We're grateful for the witness of Jesus these friends of ours provide in Kurdistan, and we could not feel more privileged than we do to serve their growing work and ministry.

Thank you for sowing into and supporting FAI Relief. Your sacrificial gifts are investing in more than just our own operations, and we're thrilled for the people this will serve.