The End of the Line // October 28

This here is the last mound between Peshmerga front lines and Mosul where we're coordinating with Peshmerga to provide emergency care to soldiers and relief to civilians inside villages after they are liberated. It's about 1km from ISIS positions. Throughout the day ISIS has been shelling intermittently as Peshmerga bulldozers dig in and establish the new front line mound stretching across the north/northeast rim of Mosul. The nearby villages of Fazliya and Omer Qamchi have been liberated this week, but they're riddled with IED's and traps and civilians inside are languishing in need of first aid, food and water. Other villages surrounding Nawaran are desolate, empty and smoking after heavy combat and a barrage of air strikes last week. By this weekend we will have a unit up and running to prioritize civilian needs. Right now we are securing vehicles and gathering supplies. If you'd like to donate to the effort, click below.